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Anti-Bribery and Corruption Online Course

  • Approved by the Institute of Hospitality and CPD
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Online Training Course

Bribery and corrupt practices in business, both within the UK and globally, are unfortunately still prevalent. These unethical activities can vary from minor payments for facilitation to large-scale gifting, often proving difficult to detect due to their diverse nature.

This e-learning course on Anti-Bribery and Corruption delves into the underlying causes of such practices and offers insights into their frequency. It highlights how regular business dealings like gifts, hospitality, sponsorships, and donations can be exploited for bribery.

The course comprehensively covers the legal frameworks against bribery and corruption in the UK and internationally, emphasizing the serious consequences faced by those involved in corruption. It also explores the broader impact of bribery at the national level, including its influence on state-run businesses and governments worldwide.

Practically, the course provides strategies for management and employees to mitigate bribery and corruption risks in their organizations, focusing on implementing effective anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies.

This e-learning course is designed for employees at all organizational levels who might come across bribery or corrupt practices in their professional environment.

The course comprises the following modules:

  • Module 1: Introduction
  • Module 2: Why Corruption and Bribery Occur
  • Module 3: The UK Bribery Act 2010
  • Module 4: Reducing the Risk: Management
  • Module 5: ISO 37001 and Employee Responsibilities

There are multiple choice questions at the end of each unit. Those who successfully achieve the minimum mark required to pass these assessments are rewarded with a printable certificate.

Single Licence

A person taking an online training course on a laptop computer

Individuals looking to take the Anti-Bribery and Corruption online course can purchase a single user license for £15.00 + vat. This license grants unlimited access to the course, with no time restrictions, for one user only.

Please click the link below to complete the booking form and payment online.

Once we have received this we will set-up your access to the course within 24-48 hours, and e-mail you your log-in details to the address provided on the booking form.

Buy Single Licence

Multiple Licences for Businesses

A group of employees and business professionals

If you are a business or organisation and have a number of employees that you would like to take the Anti-Bribery and Corruption online course, we offer discounts for multiple purchases, with a greater discount amount available the more courses that are purchased.

Purchasing a business license will grant the buyer administration access from where they can issue log-in usernames and passwords to their employees. This allows businesses to take advantage of the greater discounts on offer even if they do not currently know the names of every individual who will be taking the online course, which is particularly useful if you plan to grant access to employees over a period of time rather than all at once (e.g. getting new starters to complete the course). It also negates the need to fill in a massively long booking form with all their names when purchasing!

The pricing and discount structure available for mutiple purchases of this course is currently:

  • 2-9 Licenses: £14.50 + vat each
  • 10-49 Licenses: £14.00 + vat each
  • 50-99 Licenses: £13.50 + vat each
  • 100+ Licenses: Contact us for a custom quote
Buy Multiple Licences

Unlimited Usage Subscription

Online Training Courses Unlimited Usage

Take the hassle out of sourcing individual training courses by giving your employees unlimited access to all 114 online video courses (click here to view all titles) with an annual subscription.

  • The convenience of training anywhere with an internet connection
  • Keep knowledge up to date and learn new skills
  • You allocate users, giving you full control and flexibility
  • Ability to monitor each individual’s progress and check course completion
  • Make a one-off payment or pay by monthly instalments
Users Monthly Cost Buy Now
1-10 £150 + vat  Buy Now
11-25 £250 + vat  Buy Now
26-50 £350 + vat  Buy Now
51-100 £450 + vat  Buy Now
101-250 £800 + vat  Buy Now
251-500 £1,200 + vat  Buy Now
501-750 £1,500 + vat  Buy Now
751-1,000 £1,900 + vat  Buy Now
1,001-2,500 £3,400 + vat  Buy Now
2,501-5,000 £4,500 + vat  Buy Now

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